A new support item was introduced from 1st July 2020 which recognised the need for recovery-oriented practice in the NDIS for those living with a mental illness. Psychosocial Recovery Coaches (Recovery Coaches) will support people with a Psychosocial Disability to live a full life by offering skilled coaching to build capacity, strength and resilience. If you have been allocated this item in your plan, contact us for more information around how we can connect you to a My Choice Supports Psychosocial Recovery Coach (Recovery Coach) in Perth.
This is a service is underpinned by recovery-oriented practices and recognises that people with a Psychosocial disability would benefit from support provided by either someone with a lived experience of mental illness or who has at least two years experience and/or tertiary qualifications in mental health.
Recovery-oriented practice in mental health recognise that everyone’s journey is unique and personal to them and hence they are the expert in their own life. This empowers the individual as the centre of their care to make choices for right for them, builds on strengths, promotes and protects rights as citizens, instills hope and dignity, centres on partnership with the person and is dedicated to review and quality improvement processes.
We are excited the NDIS has recognised that a unique set of skills is required of workers to better support people living with mental health diagnoses — And, this aligns with our skillset. Our organisation has come from a strong foundation of experience and skill in delivering quality recovery-oriented services to people with a Psychosocial Disability in the community. We look forward to assisting you in your journey.