
We have a suite of Easy English resources that are simple and concise, focuses on key information and uses words and images to help you understand information.

Easy English
How to Join the NDIS
Easy English
How to Start My First Plan
Easy English
How to Start My Plan With a Support Coordinator
Easy English
How to Start My Plan with an LAC
Easy English
What Should I Know About Plans
Easy English
How Do I Make My Plan Come True
Easy English
What If I Am Not Happy
Easy English
Understanding the NDIS Book 1
Easy English
Planning Book 2
Easy English
Using Your Plan Book 2
Easy English
Help For My Child
Easy English
A Guide to Accessing the NDIS
Easy English
Fact Sheet

Useful NDIS Forms

These forms are useful for submitting to the NDIS in order to help you manage your communication with the NDIS

Review of a Reviewable Decision - when you do not agree with the NDIS decision
Change of Circumstances Form - when your circumstances change
Consent to Share NDIS Plan - when you want providers to access your plan on the NDIS portal
Consent to Share Information - when you want other to enquire with the NDIA on your behalf
Plan Nominee - when you want someone to be nominated to sign and make decisions about your plan